At the Movies

I am a big movie nut.  I'd pick a indie movie any day over a major movie release. Personally,  my favorite films are French films.  It gives me a chance to practice my French while enjoying a little bit of French culture.  Give me The Umbrellas of Cherbourg over Casablanca any day!


Bloomin' Spring

It's no secret Spring is upon us, it just likes to take it's sweet time getting here..  So my motto is lately: "Despite the forecast, live like it's spring!" 

Polka Dots 3 Ways

Recently, I took a quick trip to Los Angeles with a 24 hour turn around.  Just for fun, I decided to do a little clothing challenge by wearing this fabulous polka dot dress for breakfast, lunch and dinner. So cute - right?  It's cute and, guess what,  it's from Target!

My Breakfast look at Alfred Coffee in Beverly Hills.  It goes well with the Love Wall there.


Quick Fashion Idea: Go Backwards

I recently bought this Alice and Olivia wrap blouse. But, I was feeling a tad demure so I flipped the deep V to the back.  End result: I loved it even more!